Sunday, November 1, 2009

Distance Education

There are many pros and cons to distance education that create this source of learning unique in its own way. Some pros of distance is the ability for the students to learn at their own pace. Most online classes do not have a specific schedule they need to base their learning on which can create flexibility for them. However, this could be a con since some students have a tendency to procrastinate and could create laziness or a large work load at the end of the year. Another pro can be the options they are given in classes they are provided with. Generally, most online courses provide students with a wide arrange of classes that can create diversity in their learning. This can also create more parent involvement in the student's learning. The parents can be there to guide the students, help them and are able to see what they are learning. Another pro is most distance learning is free, with no fees added. This can include the online school providing a computer with no cost as well. Like I said though, there are some cons to distant education one being the limited teacher-student interaction during the course. There has been courses where teachers have not been very involved in the students progress and education hurting the students learning process. Another problem is the student's inability to be with other students. This could create bad social skills that could hurt them in the future. Another con, is their possible lack of exercise due to the fact that most of the time they could be sitting in front of the computer. Even if they are involved in physical education classes there would be no way to monitor or know that the students are actually doing the exercises or sports they are told to do. Lastly, some distant education programs do not provide a diploma but a GED which could hurt the student in the future and their ability to go to college or get a successful job. There are many pros and cons about distant education that a student should consider before enrolling themselves in that type of schooling.

I think the students who would be ready to be part of the distance education are ones who do not procrastinate. They need to be able to do their work on their own and have self-motivation. I also think a student should be able to look up information about a topic on their own because there is a possibility that teachers may not be active in the students learning as much as a in-class teacher. These students should also be involved in groups, clubs or sports outside of the house that enhances their social skills and keeps them active.

To be able to teach in a virtual school you will need the dedication to your students. One aspect to being a good distance education teacher is keeping in contact with your students on a regular bases to make sure they are staying productive and understand all the material. I think you will also need to make sure you are descriptive in all the material and assignments you give so not a lot of questions have to be asked. I do not believe by being this type of teacher you can slack off or not care as much. I think this teacher should almost care more and really pay attention to the students so they are able to do good in the class because I think this way of learning can be more difficult than in the classroom for students.

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